I'm in Chicago right now, waiting for the last flight of the day. the FIFTH flight of the day. 37 hours, 7 time zones, 2 hemispheres and 2 continents later, I'll be home on the same day I left. time travel blows my mind. :)
thanks to everyone who's been blogging away while I was gone...I have a blog reader on my phone that downloads posts and pix so I can read them without internet...which made my flight from san fran to here much more pleasant. :)
while reading through posts and challenges, I've found a lot of inspiration...obviously. :) however, I'm happy to say that I've also started finding the limits of what inspires me and started finding things that just make me go "meh. maybe in a few years but not high priority." wool anything, for example. blech, that just makes me itch...and I know there's merino out there (I know this now!) but that's expensive. and possum wool just makes me think of roadkill, sorry. :)
there's a star pattern...starts with an H, has 8 points, can't remember the name of it but I flagged someone's post about it...that REALLY got me going. I think that might be the pattern I used for Mai's quilt. we'll see.
they're calling my flight...more later!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
almost there!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Quick Update While I'm Waiting for a Towel...
Queenstown was fun. I went bungee jumping for the first time ever, off of NZ's highest jump (440 ft!). It was incredible. Feel free to watch me do stupid things here. :-) Dad's response was "You need a Mommy down there very VERY badly!!"
After that, I went on a tour of the LOTR sites in the area...there are a lot around there, so it was a long tour. We even got to dress up and play with swords (pix to follow, they charge by the MB for internet here).
I found a store with local fabrics, which was cool. I managed to stub my toe on the way up to the store, and took off a dime-sized chunk of skin from the bottom of it...not a good thing when you're about to embark on 8 days of cycling...the store owner laughed and gave me tissues and bandaids and antiseptic. It healed nicely and didn't really hurt at all, just bled a lot. I digress. The fabrics I got are pretty...in total (including the 3 I got in Dunedin), I have 8 fat quarters of NZ fabric. I'm happy with that. I also found some awesome Paddington fabric yesterday, but I'll get to that.
I met up with my coworker, Amanda, and headed off onto this 8-day trek. I think I ran the numbers right, and I ended up doing about 190 miles across 5 days of actual cycling. One of the days I did a metric century (102 km actually), which meant I made it the whole way...I was quite happy with myself, even if my bum was not.
We went from mountains to fjords to lakes to farms to forest to ocean to farms to more farms (there are a LOT of farms here) and finally to ocean again. We got stopped for a while because some farmers were trying to bring some lambs down to a new paddock, and they took up the whole road to do it. I have video, I'll post it later.
We stayed on a farm one night (a working sheep and cattle (NOT dairy) farm), which was fun...the food was incredible. All the veggies were fresh from their garden...yummmm. I could live with veggies that fresh always.
Night before last, we stayed at Larnach Castle. Basically, a guy with an ego and a lot of money built the only castle in NZ. The food was meh, but the views were spectacular.
Yesterday, I doinked around Dunedin and went to the Cadbury factory in town for a tour. Best tour ever...they give free samples all along the way. I couldn't eat all of it, that's how much they give you! The Speight's brewery is just up the street from my hostel as well, so I went and quality-checked some of their beers last night. The summer ale seemed a little suspect though, so I might have to go inspect that one again tonight. We'll see. :-)
In any case, it's 9 am and I need a shower like you wouldn't believe. So I'm gonna go find myself a towel and update this more when I'm back stateside. Cheers!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Good news is, my plane is already here:
- Quilts for Kids - I just got the kit before I left, so I'm itching to get back to this one. I think I'm going to try free motion quilting for the first time. Tips would be appreciated.
- Alishia's string quilt - I still need to name this one, but I haven't figured out the pattern of the strings yet, so that's hard.
- Mai's graduation quilt - this one is going to be black, white, and red. I'm thinking of doing a heartstrings quilt for this, but I'm not sure. I have about 2 dozen fat quarters up for grabs for this one so far, as well as a few fun remnants. It'll definitely be a work of chaos. Suggestions for this one are welcome too...keep in mind that Mai is my 17-year-old mentee, who's graduating high school in June. My mom made me a quilt when I went off to college and it helped me be not so homesick...I figured Mai could use the same.
- Alishia's donation quilt - This one has to be a HeartStrings donation, because I said so lol. Should be fairly straightforward...I'll need new reds, but I have PLENTY of blues left over from my mom's quilt.
- Mai's donation quilt - I haven't decided on a charity for this one, but it seems fitting that it should be something that helps teens...specifically teens in trouble. Maybe I'll find a shelter around Boston, sort of like here.
- Mom's Paddington quilt - As previously described. I won that panel, so that rocks. I'll have to see how big the inside is when I get it, then plan the rest out from there.
- Arman's I Spy quilt - I'm hoping to find some flexible, toddler-friendly velcro someplace so I can make the pictures movable but still semi-permanent. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.
- The t-shirt quilt - I think I'm not even going to plan this out until I have a better feel for the size of the shirt cuts.
- A crumb quilt - I've been seeing a lot of these in various blogs lately, and I LOVE the idea! I want to make this one for myself. I have a trunk that Nick got me for my birthday (an old steamer trunk) that really needs some quilts in it. Sadly, everything I own is currently used to keep me warm at night, so I don't have anything in there!
- A memory quilt - this one I came up with when I was thinking about what I'll be doing in Queenstown. There's a fabric store about 15 minutes walking from my hostel, which I fully intend to patronize. I was thinking that it would be REALLY cool to get fabrics from there (and make this a tradition for every place I go), then make a quilt of them. Each block would have a picture from the trip printed on fabric in the center, then the fabric I buy on the trip would surround it in some pattern. Make a few of those blocks and bam! You got yerself a memory quilt! We'll see how that works out.
On that note, I'm gonna hulu it up while I still can (you can't get hulu outside the US) and blow the next 2 hours watching TV and writing postcards (which I won't be able to send until I'm back because they no longer have mail boxes in airports...for security reasons. Riddle me that.)
Hello San Francisco!
In any case.
Friday, January 15, 2010
new project!

of course as soon as I'm leaving, a new kit comes in! this is for quilts for kids...now I have 2 weeks to scheme about how to quilt this one.
WHIM number 1

all these are tshirts from high school that I'm going to make into a tshirt quilt...any inspirational patterns?
kitty battles...

he wouldn't get into his carrier, so into the laundry basket it was. not a happy kitty.
Levi n Linus - Ready to Ship!
In any case, here's the picture I'm going to send with Levi's quilt, to Hannah:
I'm going to get boxes for both quilts (and the pink one, which isn't quite finished yet) so I can ship them out on the way to the airport tomorrow morning.
Here's Nick, modeling the I Spy quilt for me:
I spent my morning in a training seminar that didn't at all apply to me (literally...it was for a whole other set of products, separate entirely from the ones I document), so my mind drifted just a tad:
I was daydreaming about the quilt I'm going to make for my mom to give away. I'm hoping to get this panel (or something similar) for the center, and use 9-square blocks to surround it. I might do another small border around that, but maybe not. I'm going to quilt around the outline of the bear (basically all the black lines in the picture, minus the eyes and nose, etc), then quilt along the seams of the blocks (I haven't decided if I'll do each and every square or just around the blocks themselves...I might even just do diagonal lines across the whole thing). I'll put the binding on, but leave the last part (hand stitching it down) for her to do so she can own a part of it. Then I'll send it to her (likely for Mothers' Day) with the idea that she needs to take it as a donation someplace...she was thinking about starting up a donation center at my dad's hospital (Seton in Austin), so maybe this can be the first donation to that. I'll post details for that group if/when she starts it.
In any case...I have 22.5 hours until I'm on the plane to New Zealand. I'm mostly packed, but need to find books to bring...it's a LOOOOOONNNGGGG flight down there from here, so I'm not sure one (even a thick one like Cryptonomicon) will suffice. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
First Guild Meeting!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Small Grumblings
What's great though, is that quilting (and sewing in general) gives me this sort of nerd release valve. I won't pretend that I can do the geometric analysis of every block, but you know what? There are doodles of triangles on my whiteboard at home...the one in my sewing room (incidentally, the one that fell and scared the bajeebers out of my poor kitty this weekend). I'm finding that there is something so...healing...about putting on a movie I've seen a million times, warming up the space heater, and sitting down to do some good for someone I'll never meet.
In college, I used to do a lot of volunteer work. I used to identify with people, and I used to feel connected to the world. Somewhere in my senior year, I lost that...maybe it was a bad breakup, maybe it was school kicking my butt, maybe it was something else entirely. I don't know. What I do know though, is that for nearly 4 years now, I've felt a sort of emptiness that wasn't there before. I've been to church and I've done some volunteering, but everything just seemed like a square peg.
Somehow...maybe it's because of the link between my mom, quilting, and spirituality...
...maybe it's because I can send my love for other people forward to them, without the possibility of rejection or hurt in return...
...maybe it's because of something much deeper that I haven't figured out yet...
...somehow, I've managed to start finding peace again, through quilting. Maybe that's why I'm so hooked on buying fabric and supplies...it's not the shopping that gets to me, it's the "seeing beyond" if you will...when I run my hand along a light blue flannel print, I can see a little boy wrapped up in it, standing outside in flashing lights. It's a horrible situation for him, but in a strange way I feel like that flannel connects me to him, and makes it so I can give him comfort, without ever even meeting him. Is that strange?
I've been obsessively finding quilting bloggers over the past few days. I think I've added something like 60 or so blogs to my Google Reader thingy. So far, I haven't found anyone in a similar situation to me (mid-20s, single, etc), but I don't feel alone. So many quilters out there (mostly women) are such good people, and I love that!
Friends at work laugh that I've become so "domesticated" lately (see my cooking blog for proof!) but don't at all see the draw to this...even my boyfriend (Nick) just nods and smiles most of the time (except when he knows he needs to be excited about something I've just finished...he's good like that lol). I dunno...I guess it's nice to find a community of people who enjoy doing things for the love of doing them. There aren't very many ulterior motives to quilting, really. It's possibly the most innocent hobby ever (except maybe in the old days, when they used it to communicate...which I think is so badass).
I dunno. I'm rambling.
Oh! One more thing, then I'll knock it off, promise! I just got my first ever request for a commissioned quilt! My friend saw the I Spy quilt I made (I showed him pictures on the decoy blog lol) and just went nuts over it. He has a toddler son who's just getting to the age that he understands stuff like that, so he's SUPER excited to have something to "light up his face" as he put it. :-) I think I'll designate the pink blanket to be the donation match for Arman's I Spy.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Picture Update
The weekend's spoils:
Now, the I Spy quilt for SAPD c/o Project Linus.
Starting the I Spy quilt:
More I Spy:
The kitty spies (don't worry, I'll be washing this before I send it in...incidentally, if anyone has recommendations for what laundry detergent works best on pet allergens, I'm all ears):
The front done:
I am TOTALLY in love with the blue stuff I used between blocks...it's a batik from the remnants bin. God, I love the remnants bin! :-D
With batting and backing:
The backing is a blue flannel with tugboats and lighthouses. <3
Also for SAPD, here's the fleece rag blanket:
The top three rows are sewn together. The bottom 5 aren't yet. The pink edging is the same stuff I used for my mom's quilt. :-)
After a 3-day binge of daily Joann's visits (three different stores I might add), my closet looks like this:
And, last but certainly not least, I got these strips in the mail today! They're different Paddington Bear patterns. This is about to be one of my favorite projects. My mom is moving to Austin soon, after living in San Antonio for nearly a decade. That might not sound like a lot of time to some of you, but we're a military family...this is the first place she's been for more than 4 years since before I was born. Austin is only a couple of hours away from San Antonio, but it's far enough that she'll be making a whole new life for herself there (with my dad, of course). My mom, as you can imagine from the description of this blog, is a truly amazing woman...her current concern with moving (aside from getting stuff to point B from point A) is finding a place to devote her time and compassion. (That's right, she's really that amazing!) So to help her out a little, I'm going to make a smallish quilt from these strips and give it to her to donate to someplace, so she can use it as a sort of ice-breaker. I haven't decided on a design yet, so I'm open to suggestions. :-) Also, in case you're curious, she reads my other "decoy" blog, so I can post this here and she won't know. :-)
So that's the wrap up for now. I'm taking a break from doing the binding on the I Spy quilt. I'm about halfway done...this is only the second binding I've done by hand (I did my mom's all by machine...epic fail), and already I feel way more comfortable about it. I'm hoping I can get it done tonight so I can have something to show tomorrow night (maybe) at my first ever Quilters' Guild meeting...I won't be able to be a member, since membership is limited to 50 and this particular one is already full, but I really want to go make friends.
Oh! Speaking of friends, I totally gave advice at Joann's today! This girl was asking about batting, and she was making her first quilt. I was so excited for her (she was about my age), I wanted to hug her and tell her to come be my friend lol.
And on that note, I'm off to finish this binding. Night all!
Oh Darn...
Good thing stakeholder bonuses will be out soon. :-P
My goals for tonight are to get the I Spy quilt in hand-stitching shape (i.e., do all the machine binding so I can bring it up to Nick's and do the hand part there) and to get the latest idea going. Oh right, the latest idea. So I got 48x6-1/2" blocks of fleece that say "baby" all over them, in pastels...it's kind of a goofy print, but it was ebay and it was cheap. Anyways, what I'm gonna do with those is make a sort of mock-rag quilt. I'll stitch the blocks together, cut the raw edges, and bind the outer edges with the same pink material that I used to bind my mom's quilt.
Slight digression here. I like that pieces of my mom's quilt have made it into every quilt I've made so far (minus the plaid rag quilt I made for Nick and me). I have SO much left over from her quilt, it's hard to imagine a time when I won't have anything left, but it's kind of a fun little personal Easter egg to throw into each one. The I Spy quilt will have the same binding as Levi's quilt (the dark blue cotton material). I'll try to remember my camera tonight so I can post pictures later.
I got a lot of red fat quarters this weekend, and once Valentine's Day passes, I'll be sure to stock up on reds on sale...I'm really looking forward to doing more string quilts for HeartStrings.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Perfect Timing!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
coming together

the first few blocks of alishia's quilt. seeing it come together like this makes it so much prettier than the doodles i'd sketched out lol. string quilts may be my new favorite kinds...they take some time, but they're pretty robust as far as room for error.
Friday, January 8, 2010
the general state of my sewing room

a few blocks down, all strips cut, how I met your mother playing, dinner cooling, kitty wandering, and off the screen a glass of wine slowly draining. it's a great Friday night.
finally, levi's quilt

here's levi's quilt, with alishia's in the background...still very much in pieces lol
binge shopping

- First and foremost, I'm looking for baby fabrics. I have a lot of blues, so I'm focusing on pinks at the moment. I also need whites, since a lot of my blues are darker, so the whites will offset them in a kinda mod way.
- Next, I'm looking for flannels. In particular, youth/kid/infant flannels.
- Finally, I'm looking for anything that catches my eye as being a fun pattern, a pretty color, or a neat texture. That only seems vague, but I actually have surprisingly discerning tastes.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
How CUTE is this???
I stumbled on this when I was trying to compare prices for a lot of 4" pre-cut squares of fabric...how adorable is this woman's idea?? She fussy-cuts 100 squares of fabric (also available in 5.5" and 2.5") around images on novelty fabrics...the idea is that you'd use those squares to make a kids' quilt so you can play "I Spy" with them!
Needless to say, this is going to be inspiration for at least one donation quilt. :-)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Serenity Now!
I still haven't quite dreamed up what I'm going to do for my Linus quilt yet. I have a bunch of flannel left over from Levi's quilt, and I have a few other little-boy-esque patterns (Curious George, blue Pooh) that I could throw in there. If anyone has any suggestions for block patterns to try, I'm all ears.
I think I decided last night that I will always hand-stitch the bindings. Machine stitching is obviously a lot quicker, but hand-stitching really gave me a chance to sort of "bond" with the quilt...I feel like I left more love on it by doing it the hard way. It seems almost insincere if a quilt takes you less than a couple of days at least to make it.
I've been dreaming of fabric a lot. I know that sounds weird, but when the last thing I do at night is close my sewing room door (Grisgris (my cat) LOVES the chair in there, not to mention the piles of fabric that look just like a kitty bed to him), it's hard not to still have pretty colors in strange shapes on my mind. And since there's obviously a lot of planning that goes into more intricate quilts, I find myself daydreaming and doodling a lot more lately as well.
In any case, I should get back to work...just wanted to jot down some thoughts.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
stringing along the madness

Monday, January 4, 2010
delayed gratification

One of the things I really like about quilting is that, no matter how you slice it, it's all about delayed gratification. You might be able to throw together a decent quilt in just a few hours, but you still have to wait for the drier to go off before you can even use the fabric. :0) Right now, I'm starting a quilt for my friend Alishia, who just bought her first home. In the spirit of firsts, this quilt will be my first "string quilt". Its companion donation quilt will be made for Heartstrings Quilt Project. The companion quilt will likely be a baby blanket (or at least a smaller one than I'm making for Alishia). The reason I'm starting on Alishia's quilt instead of working on the quilt for Linus (or finishing the one for Levi) is because the fabrics I picked up for the Linus quilt are in the drier. Levi's quilt just has hand stitching left to do, so I'm saving that for tomorrow, when I'm at Nick's (my boyfriend) where my sewing machine and cutting stuff aren't.
Alishia's quilt is going to be called something like "Teal and Sandstone"...or something. Basically, she loves teal. So half the strings are teal. The other half are roughly the color of the stone at Zion, which is a place she frequents. Alishia and I met rock climbing a few years ago in Utah, and though I live on the east coast now, she is still one of the best friends I've ever had. A couple of years ago, my other best friend, Jimmy, and I went to visit her in Salt Lake, and we all drove down to Zion for easily the best weekend of my life. We went rock climbing, hiking, canyoneering...so much physical activity, Jimmy and I literally couldn't walk the Monday after. It was one of those vacations that I almost don't even want to try to repeat because it was just so perfect on its own. Jimmy's in Maryland now though, and Alishia is in Utah and I miss them both like heck.
In any case, I digress. The quilt is for Alishia because she just bought her first house. I'm aiming for it to be a couch quilt, but am making it big enough to fit a full or queen sized bed. The fill (string) part should fit a full sized bed across, and the borders should extend it to make it fit a queen sized bed.
On that note, back to work then off to bed.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
levi n linus

Friday, January 1, 2010
one for levi, one for linus