This is Shelby. I caught her sifting through MOTU's underwear drawer while he wasn't looking. Unfortunately, me raising the camera looked a lot like "come here, I'm going to pet you" to her. She's only this friendly when MOTU isn't around (she's his) for a while, but is still home. She HATES me when he's not here. She's gonna hate me so much come October...sigh.
Where was MOTU? In the master suite, preparing the floors. I guess it's a little hard to tell, but they look SO different now. He's going to finish up the edges tomorrow, then we'll lay down some varnish tomorrow afternoon.
What was I doing while he was working his cute lil buns off? I was working away at the stack of quilts I brought with me. This one here is the pirates QFK.
I decided to get brave with this one...small success! I made waves! Please don't enlarge the picture...they're good from far but far from good.
Waves! So many waves! Again, don't enlarge.
I learned an important lesson here though...when they say "work from the middle", that includes blocks...I did the waves after I did the outlines, which lead to fabric mooshing. Not good.
Grisgris was also busy, wondering what the heck was going on behind that curtain (and why I kept telling him not to go back there).
Here's what was going on behind that curtain. Sorry for the awful was blurry without the flash, but so dusty that the flash picked up everything *but* the floor. Sigh.
And, of course, the man of the house doing his man thing.
I also finished quilting the aliens vs robots QFK, but that was just ditches and diagonals...nothing exciting. I'll post pix when they're both finished. With any luck, I should be able to get Abby's Road quilted tomorrow (not sure what color thread to use...debating a veragated one (however you spell it), but I'd need to go get some new bobbins if I did that. I have a blue/white, pink/white, and rainbow thread to choose from. I'm thinking the rainbow one would stay with the crazy color theme, but maybe picking a neutral color would be better. Maybe gray? I'm just stitching in the ditch...nothing fancy. Thoughts?