Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Finally! Something with Fabric!
Ok, it's not much, but it's what I've got. I've resurrected the flower sweat shop table in the living room, in hopes of maybe finishing the rest of the bouquets soon. Unfortunately, I only have one picture for you for now though:
This is the flower I put on the back of Alishia's bouquet. (She's the one that gets the Save a Horse quilt, and is one of my bridesmaids.) I have another button like this for Jimmy. We've had a long-standing series of pirate-related inside jokes, and when I saw these at JoAnn's, I couldn't resist. I think it's hysterical. :-D
I suppose I do have a couple other pictures I can post, just for kicks:
These aren't us, but the strip down the middle is what will go in the middle of the strips that come out of the photo booth I've rented for the reception. I can't tell you how excited I am to have unlimited photo booth pictures for our guest book!!
And this steaming pile o' potential is our cake topper! It's about 7.5 inches long, which I hope means that the wheels are less than 6 inches apart, since that's how big the top tier of the cake is. If not, we'll have to get creative. Since Helen isn't painted yet (she's getting a makeover), I don't know how I'll paint this one, but I'm looking forward to it for sure.
I saw these at a winery in CA last weekend and just fell in love with them! I have a friend who does metalworking, and he said if I come help him, he can make these for centerpieces! I'm thinking leaves around the base, and I can give them away to guests at the end of the night (with his card, of course).
Also in CA, we found where the seals/sea lions hide out at one of the docks. There's no zoom here:
No zoom here either.
And here's the bait:
On that note, happy Thursday, all! :-D
This is the flower I put on the back of Alishia's bouquet. (She's the one that gets the Save a Horse quilt, and is one of my bridesmaids.) I have another button like this for Jimmy. We've had a long-standing series of pirate-related inside jokes, and when I saw these at JoAnn's, I couldn't resist. I think it's hysterical. :-D
I suppose I do have a couple other pictures I can post, just for kicks:
These aren't us, but the strip down the middle is what will go in the middle of the strips that come out of the photo booth I've rented for the reception. I can't tell you how excited I am to have unlimited photo booth pictures for our guest book!!
And this steaming pile o' potential is our cake topper! It's about 7.5 inches long, which I hope means that the wheels are less than 6 inches apart, since that's how big the top tier of the cake is. If not, we'll have to get creative. Since Helen isn't painted yet (she's getting a makeover), I don't know how I'll paint this one, but I'm looking forward to it for sure.
I saw these at a winery in CA last weekend and just fell in love with them! I have a friend who does metalworking, and he said if I come help him, he can make these for centerpieces! I'm thinking leaves around the base, and I can give them away to guests at the end of the night (with his card, of course).
Also in CA, we found where the seals/sea lions hide out at one of the docks. There's no zoom here:
No zoom here either.
And here's the bait:
On that note, happy Thursday, all! :-D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Bloggin on the Sly
Taking a quick breather between meetings to post some good stuff. Unfortunately, none of it is quilting-related, but you know what? Life is good.
This weekend, my baby brother graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. He has been through some tough times through his college career, but you know what? He pulled himself up from rock bottom (not without the help of our awesome parents, whose love and support have gotten both of us through some mess) and is officially a college grad with a GPA just shy of 3.0, if I remember correctly. I can't tell you how proud of him I am. He's awesome. Here's us about 4.5 years ago. Still one of my favorite pics.
Today, MOTU finally got some answers. Well, one at least. His waiver got accepted at BuMed, so now he can move on to MEPS and keep moving towards OCS. Anyone catch that? :-) Basically, someone stamped a piece of paper saying the ulcer he had when he was 16 was a fluke, and he's now fit enough to take the medical exam so he can eventually (soon I hope) take the fitness exam, then submit his application and all that. We still don't know if he'll be in the October or January class, but he's on his way. You can't imagine the sigh of relief (and subsequent happy dance) this invoked.
I think I'm finally at peace with him joining the Marine Reserve. Don't get me wrong, if he decided it wasn't for him, I'd be more than a little thrilled. But the thought of being away from him for an indefinite amount of time while he's in some God-forsaken country doing things I don't even want to think about doesn't phase me as much anymore. I'm sure that will change when he gets his first deployment, but for now...I'm excited to see him in uniform. :-)
That said, on my way home from CA this weekend I saw some poster thanking our troops, and I felt that all-too-familiar lump in my throat come creeping back up. Maybe I lied. Maybe I'm ok with him going off to training, but I'm not at all excited for deployment. I'll make it - I'm tough and Kini is cute - but it's not going to be easy. I'll make it though. And so will he.
Last night, I tied and stuffed 90+ invitations, and all the counts came out correctly. The first time. Phew! MOTU, bless his heart, tried to tie one of the cards for me but it came out so badly I told him he could just walk Kini instead and that'd be enough help. But, the important thing is that they're all done. I'm just waiting on my special stamps now, and then in a couple of weeks I can put the whole mess in the mail and wait for either RSVP cards or return to senders. We'll see.
Anyway, back to work. Hopefully I'll have more pics of the critters and the wedding chaos later.
This weekend, my baby brother graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. He has been through some tough times through his college career, but you know what? He pulled himself up from rock bottom (not without the help of our awesome parents, whose love and support have gotten both of us through some mess) and is officially a college grad with a GPA just shy of 3.0, if I remember correctly. I can't tell you how proud of him I am. He's awesome. Here's us about 4.5 years ago. Still one of my favorite pics.
Today, MOTU finally got some answers. Well, one at least. His waiver got accepted at BuMed, so now he can move on to MEPS and keep moving towards OCS. Anyone catch that? :-) Basically, someone stamped a piece of paper saying the ulcer he had when he was 16 was a fluke, and he's now fit enough to take the medical exam so he can eventually (soon I hope) take the fitness exam, then submit his application and all that. We still don't know if he'll be in the October or January class, but he's on his way. You can't imagine the sigh of relief (and subsequent happy dance) this invoked.
I think I'm finally at peace with him joining the Marine Reserve. Don't get me wrong, if he decided it wasn't for him, I'd be more than a little thrilled. But the thought of being away from him for an indefinite amount of time while he's in some God-forsaken country doing things I don't even want to think about doesn't phase me as much anymore. I'm sure that will change when he gets his first deployment, but for now...I'm excited to see him in uniform. :-)
That said, on my way home from CA this weekend I saw some poster thanking our troops, and I felt that all-too-familiar lump in my throat come creeping back up. Maybe I lied. Maybe I'm ok with him going off to training, but I'm not at all excited for deployment. I'll make it - I'm tough and Kini is cute - but it's not going to be easy. I'll make it though. And so will he.
Last night, I tied and stuffed 90+ invitations, and all the counts came out correctly. The first time. Phew! MOTU, bless his heart, tried to tie one of the cards for me but it came out so badly I told him he could just walk Kini instead and that'd be enough help. But, the important thing is that they're all done. I'm just waiting on my special stamps now, and then in a couple of weeks I can put the whole mess in the mail and wait for either RSVP cards or return to senders. We'll see.
Anyway, back to work. Hopefully I'll have more pics of the critters and the wedding chaos later.

Friday, June 11, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
even on a hot night like this

my living room still feels like autumn. hand-painting the folders for the invites.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Fabulous Friday
What a week! So much awesome (and so little quilting...not so awesome) crammed in! Let's a four-letter word week, just for fun:
1. Utah! I'm going to Utah! Two of my bridesmaids live in Salt Lake, so I'm going out to visit them over Labor Day weekend for my bachelorette party and some fun. I cannot express how completely and utterly excited I am to get to go back to SLC. I went to college at the U (no BYU hate mail, please!) and can say without hesitation that if anyplace in the world is "home" to me, it's Salt Lake. My best friends and best memories are there. There are still certain bands/songs/moods that make my heart ache for the Rockies. I want to scream right now, I'm so excited to see that U on the mountain as the plane's landing.
2. Kini. She's so silly and so absurd, but we've reached a point in our puppy/momma relationship where she will actually calm down for me, and snuggle on the couch. She still gets riled up with MOTU, but he doesn't really stop her (in fact, he starts it half the time). I keep thinking of next year when she'll be my constant companion while MOTU is away at OCS. She'll be a good one. :-)
3. USMC. They're taking their sweet time processing MOTU's medical records, which means in all likelihood he won't be leaving for OCS until January. Oh darn, I am so disappointed. Really. Ok, maybe not at all. I get Christmas AND Thanksgiving with him, which means we get to stay home and be us since it'll be our first as a married couple and that's our prerogative.
4. Work. Now there's a 4-letter word. Work's been good though. LOTS of meetings. I'm finally getting more information, so I can start planning the summer and getting stuff done. It's been sort of a culture shock trying to realign my expectations with their actions, but I am LOVING how much responsibility they've given me. It's going to be a lot of work, but they're grateful to have me on board (not always the attitude tech writers get, believe me) and are happily handing off loads of work to me...can you say "job security"? :-)
5. July. Yesterday I scheduled times to taste wines for the wedding, consult with our photographer and get engagement pictures taken, and do a trial run of my hair/makeup, all in the same day! Oof! I'm so excited to do the engagement pictures...hopefully Helen will be back up and running, so we can take her and Kini up and involve them in the pictures. The kitties would be involved if they were at all portable, but, well, they're kitties. I know MOTU isn't at all excited to get his picture taken, but I am. We need good pictures of us while we're still young and pretty. :-)
What the heck, it's been such a good week I'll add a #6:
6. Pain. That's right, pain. Today, the majority of it is in my upper quad, but yesterday I was barely walking straight. I ran 8.06 miles in 1:04 on Tuesday (longest run ever, per Nike+), 2.06 miles in 15:07(?) on Wednesday (fastest mile per Nike+), 25 minutes (about 3 miles) yesterday (plus 100 walking lunges with weights, and some other weight machine stuff), and today I'm hoping to go rock climbing after work. I've got a lot of pictures to take this summer, and I'll be damned if I'm going to get them taken at my highest weight ever. (I also met mileage, speed, and calorie goals according to Nike+ this week as well...like I said, good week!)
What goals have you reached this week?
1. Utah! I'm going to Utah! Two of my bridesmaids live in Salt Lake, so I'm going out to visit them over Labor Day weekend for my bachelorette party and some fun. I cannot express how completely and utterly excited I am to get to go back to SLC. I went to college at the U (no BYU hate mail, please!) and can say without hesitation that if anyplace in the world is "home" to me, it's Salt Lake. My best friends and best memories are there. There are still certain bands/songs/moods that make my heart ache for the Rockies. I want to scream right now, I'm so excited to see that U on the mountain as the plane's landing.
2. Kini. She's so silly and so absurd, but we've reached a point in our puppy/momma relationship where she will actually calm down for me, and snuggle on the couch. She still gets riled up with MOTU, but he doesn't really stop her (in fact, he starts it half the time). I keep thinking of next year when she'll be my constant companion while MOTU is away at OCS. She'll be a good one. :-)
3. USMC. They're taking their sweet time processing MOTU's medical records, which means in all likelihood he won't be leaving for OCS until January. Oh darn, I am so disappointed. Really. Ok, maybe not at all. I get Christmas AND Thanksgiving with him, which means we get to stay home and be us since it'll be our first as a married couple and that's our prerogative.
4. Work. Now there's a 4-letter word. Work's been good though. LOTS of meetings. I'm finally getting more information, so I can start planning the summer and getting stuff done. It's been sort of a culture shock trying to realign my expectations with their actions, but I am LOVING how much responsibility they've given me. It's going to be a lot of work, but they're grateful to have me on board (not always the attitude tech writers get, believe me) and are happily handing off loads of work to me...can you say "job security"? :-)
5. July. Yesterday I scheduled times to taste wines for the wedding, consult with our photographer and get engagement pictures taken, and do a trial run of my hair/makeup, all in the same day! Oof! I'm so excited to do the engagement pictures...hopefully Helen will be back up and running, so we can take her and Kini up and involve them in the pictures. The kitties would be involved if they were at all portable, but, well, they're kitties. I know MOTU isn't at all excited to get his picture taken, but I am. We need good pictures of us while we're still young and pretty. :-)
What the heck, it's been such a good week I'll add a #6:
6. Pain. That's right, pain. Today, the majority of it is in my upper quad, but yesterday I was barely walking straight. I ran 8.06 miles in 1:04 on Tuesday (longest run ever, per Nike+), 2.06 miles in 15:07(?) on Wednesday (fastest mile per Nike+), 25 minutes (about 3 miles) yesterday (plus 100 walking lunges with weights, and some other weight machine stuff), and today I'm hoping to go rock climbing after work. I've got a lot of pictures to take this summer, and I'll be damned if I'm going to get them taken at my highest weight ever. (I also met mileage, speed, and calorie goals according to Nike+ this week as well...like I said, good week!)
What goals have you reached this week?

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Cricket Cricket
My sewing machine has been collecting dust (well, cat hair) and not in the fun way lately...it's been a busy week, as usual, but at least I have a few fun pics to show for it:
First, my anti-kitty protection system. Yes, she even tries to sleep on the ironing board. She doesn't like the fan, which goes all night, so she doesn't sleep on the bed anymore.
Usually she sleeps in one of MOTU's backpacks, which is spread out on the floor. After a little spring cleaning, she couldn't find the backpack and in the morning we couldn't find her. Dig the the deepest, darkest corner of the closet and you'll see a little head:
Yep, she sleeps just like that. Doesn't want to risk getting zipped in, so her head is always out.
Last night, Kini was feeling fashionable:
No really, she loved wearing MOTU's shirt:
Ok, maybe she wasn't all *that* excited about it...
Aside from critter craziness (Grisgris is still making his rounds as household bully, too, if you're curious) it's been a productive week. The house is clean, we had a bbq on Monday, and I've run 10 miles so far this week...Tuesday I ran 8 and yesterday I ran 2 - I got my personal bests for longest run and fastest mile, respectively, per my Nike+ thingy. I'm hurtin' just a bit today.
Anyways, as usual, it's off to meetings and meetings and meetings for me. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to post soon!!
First, my anti-kitty protection system. Yes, she even tries to sleep on the ironing board. She doesn't like the fan, which goes all night, so she doesn't sleep on the bed anymore.
Usually she sleeps in one of MOTU's backpacks, which is spread out on the floor. After a little spring cleaning, she couldn't find the backpack and in the morning we couldn't find her. Dig the the deepest, darkest corner of the closet and you'll see a little head:
Yep, she sleeps just like that. Doesn't want to risk getting zipped in, so her head is always out.
Last night, Kini was feeling fashionable:
No really, she loved wearing MOTU's shirt:
Ok, maybe she wasn't all *that* excited about it...
Aside from critter craziness (Grisgris is still making his rounds as household bully, too, if you're curious) it's been a productive week. The house is clean, we had a bbq on Monday, and I've run 10 miles so far this week...Tuesday I ran 8 and yesterday I ran 2 - I got my personal bests for longest run and fastest mile, respectively, per my Nike+ thingy. I'm hurtin' just a bit today.
Anyways, as usual, it's off to meetings and meetings and meetings for me. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to post soon!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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