Sunday, February 27, 2011

As Promised

Here are the pics of Cori's Wrapped in Hope orange dancers quilt.  Still no real name for this.  Maybe it'll just be orange dancers.  How original. 

I gotta say, these pics were hard to get.  There's SO much orange here that it screws with the coloring of the whole rest of the shot.  I had to do a little post-production tweaking to get them anything close to the real look.
Doesn't that backing look like it was made to be part of this quilt??
Close up of some of the quilting.
"Love is louder"
And finally, the full frontal.  This will ship with the Superhero quilt in a week or so, in time for their respective birthdays in mid-March. 

And now, back to cleaning.  Yay.

1 comment:

Barb said...

That backing is the best!! The quilt looks wonderful!