Just a quick update between mustaches to throw some pictures at you guys. If you're friends with me on FB, don't worry...you've seen them. :-)
These are all courtesy of the fabulous Margaret Prisco, of Margaret Michaels Photography. In no particular order:
Worst Sherpa Ever, James Frikkin Brown, and The Boy, all doing the YMCA. This is maybe my favorite party picture. Except JFB didn't have the horse yet. That brought it to a whole new level.
My grandparents and all their kids, together in one place for the first time in about a decade. I was so unbelievably honored they all made it out for this...it wasn't easy for any of them, but they all made it happen.
My brother and sister in law. By definition, they'd have to look good together, since they look like me and MOTU.
Ah, there's the horse. Told you, it's a whole different crime scene here.
The ring bearer (whose nickname is also The Boy, but in a different circle of the family). I only posted this because you can't really see much of his face, except the adorable smirk.
Typical brother/sister shot. Hello Cha Cha Slide!
My gorgeous mother in law and mother. I am such a lucky girl to have these two women as role models. You have no idea.
The boys, waiting for the ceremony to begin.
You can't see the bridesmaids trying desperately to hold MOTU up here, but there's a reason we're all giggling.
Off bonding with the groomsmen.
Isn't my dad a handsome fella? This was at the rehearsal dinner.
JFB walking my mom down the aisle. He was my bridesman.
Here we go. The bridesmaids had a harder time holding MOTU up than the boys did holding me up. JFB ended up grabbing him in a bear hug around the chest. Priceless.
A couple of pages of the guestbook
Dad dipping my mom at the end of their dance. I had them go out onto the floor as the "host/hostess" dance, but didn't tell them I'd arranged for the DJ to fake play "Just the Way You Are" then play Annie's Song for real...their DJ over 31 years ago played the former song instead of the latter...so they never got to dance to their first dance song! Sad!
The only things that got me through that morning. Can you see the horrific bags under my eyes? Post hair, pre makeup. Yikes.
The back of mini Helen.
Jen helping me with the jewelry. Seriously, as far as in laws go, I'm the luckiest. :-) She was amazing through the whole process and kept telling MOTU I needed to "be meaner".
The artsy dress shot. Love this dress.
Demanding a smooch at the rehearsal dinner.
And giving one before I walked down the aisle.
MOTU wasn't allowed in the salon, so my mom brought him some of our breakfast instead.
Our first dance.
Watching MOTU's sister's slideshow at the rehearsal dinner.
Fixing my daddy up before I put my dress on.
Close up of my gorgeous mother.
Close of up Aunt Margaret.
An in process shot of the guest book.
Probably my favorite posed shot, out of all of them.
Typical sibling faces.
And finally, a pretty shot of the rings (and corks from the vineyard).
Phew! Sick of wedding junk yet???