Thursday, March 18, 2010

100th post!

Here I was about to write something about the Marines and how I just found out I CAN send MOTU letters while he's at OCS (YAY!!!), but blogger has just informed me that this is (gasp!) my 100th post!  Considering I only started this blog in January, that probably says something I don't want it to, huh?  Ah well.

I should probably do a giveaway to mark the occasion, but I really have nothing to give at this point.  Lemme see what I can come up with and I'll get back to you.  In the meantime, if you want to be entered into this mystery giveaway (it won't be awful, I promise), the rules are as usual: mention it on your blog and leave a comment pointing to the mention.  Or if you don't have a blog, leave a comment with what you would have said.  Or just leave a comment.  I like comments.  This'll remain open until...umm...2 days after I decide what I'm giving away or the 26th, whichever comes last.

So that's that.

I didn't do any sewing last night, but MOTU and I did go for our first non-race, outside run together.  It was fun...great weather and a good pace.  About a quarter of the way through, we suddenly had company...out of nowhere, this dog (a big puppy really) just sort of...started running with us.  He was happy, running right next to us, getting distracted, catching up...he ran with us for over a mile!  Good thing we were doing an out and back.  His owners eventually showed up in a big truck, mad at the dog and thanking us for keeping him safe.  (I'm not sure we really did...he ran into the road a couple of times and without a collar on, we couldn't do much but yell.) All in all, it was pretty entertaining.  He just wanted to play.  I'm sure we looked like the world's worst pet owners with him running around us...he wasn't ours, I swear!  Ours will be on a leash at all times, especially when running next to a road like that!

In any case.  I want a puppy.  I want a running buddy.  I can't wait.  The puppy in the picture might not be Zucchini, but we'll find one to bear the name proudly when we're all ready.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

WAIT! Is that camper van YOURS?!?
Oh my god i am SOOOO jealous!!!
I've been wanting one of those for years!!! (an older version, but whatever)

And it sounds like you found your puppy! Or rather, your running pup found YOU. [sheepish grin] Not that i recommend stealing or anything... But a match made, anyway.
100 posts? Are you sure? I've had my blog for a year and a month and i only have, like, 75 posts!
Hmmm... Maybe i'm a slacker...
NAH! You must be an over-achiever!