Here's the stack from the most recent indulgences. Yikes. That's a lot more than I realized, but I still spent less than $40 on it.
I reworked my stash closet, which included taking all the stuff I had out of that plastic isn't as bad as it looks, I promise. It will be after next weekend though. I'm eating ramen all week to blow the budget at Joann's. Please, no one go to the Tynsboro, Natick, or Westford Joann's...I don't want you to point and laugh at the obscene stack in my cart.
Ok, I know I can't be the only (or, hopefully, worst) offender out there. Does anyone else have a stash this bad? It's been less than a year that I've even started collecting. I don't even want to think about the total I've spent on this. Yikes. Oh, the background, behind the shoe rack, is all batting.
I don't know if you can see this, but I was sewing along when all of a sudden SNAP! The needle just broke in half! Scary! I'm not exactly sure what happened, but this needle had a really small eye, so the stress from trying to get it threaded might've weakened it enough in just the wrong place, I dunno. Eep.
In any case, I'm still working on this QFK thing. I am SO not a fan of the backing they gave me...who uses stripes for backing??? It's just cruel!! There's simply no way I'm going to be able to make it line up. I tried my hardest, and I think I got it lined up OK, but...seriously, that's just mean! More pix to come.

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