Anyways, here's a recap of the day:
My dad got me this for Christmas. That's right, it's a finger brace. And it has a smiley face on it. What?
We got some snow today. My car's the sad one still buried out there.
This is my kitty. He's special.
So special.
Here's the first few stacks of squares for Abby's Road, complete with kitty in my chair.
The final stacks all laid out. The colors are a lot brighter than this gives them credit for I think.
And the progress. As I said, 4 rows sewn together, 3 more waiting to be attached, about a billion squares still on the floor.
Should've done something on the QFK stuff I have, but I think that'll be Friday night. My goal for Friday night is to get Abby's top completed, all three QFK tops completed (keeping in mind that I have one done already), and at least one QFK quilted, hopefully all three. I'm forbidding myself from doing any work on Alishia or Mai's quilts until the QFKs are done. Oh, I also got a great little panel for the Wrapped in Hope quilt, which is washed and ready to be played with as well...but I need to start finishing stuff I've started. Seriously, I'm starting to see how UFOs accumulate...I have 5 projects with measurable progress made on them right now, and I'm plum out of room on my wall for hanging stuff up. No bueno.
Class tomorrow night (Stats II, yay.) then La Carreta with MOTU (Master of the Universe, as Nick is prone to calling himself...maybe that'll be his new moniker on here). La Carreta is our favorite Mexican place, so I guess that means I'm running in the morning. I also have a training thing to listen in on all morning. That's in 7 hours. Crud, I should probably sleep, huh?
Night all!

PS feel free to leave comments! I love knowing I'm not just talking in the wind here! :-)
I love the colors in you "Abbey Road". You have a cute kitty, too. LOL.
I love your squares and kitty too!!
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