Friday, January 15, 2010

Levi n Linus - Ready to Ship!

Phew, what a week!  I can't believe it's only the 15th day of this year and I've already gotten 2 baby quilts done and one to a point of "all I need is a few hours in front of the TV to finish this".  I'm so hoping to get all three done and shipped before I leave tomorrow morning...I wish it were socially acceptable to bring quilts to bind, to meetings that you're not presenting at anyways.  I'm pretty sure that's not a good idea though.  Sigh.

In any case, here's the picture I'm going to send with Levi's quilt, to Hannah:

I'm going to get boxes for both quilts (and the pink one, which isn't quite finished yet) so I can ship them out on the way to the airport tomorrow morning.

Here's Nick, modeling the I Spy quilt for me:

I spent my morning in a training seminar that didn't at all apply to me ( was for a whole other set of products, separate entirely from the ones I document), so my mind drifted just a tad:

I was daydreaming about the quilt I'm going to make for my mom to give away. I'm hoping to get this panel (or something similar) for the center, and use 9-square blocks to surround it.  I might do another small border around that, but maybe not.  I'm going to quilt around the outline of the bear (basically all the black lines in the picture, minus the eyes and nose, etc), then quilt along the seams of the blocks (I haven't decided if I'll do each and every square or just around the blocks themselves...I might even just do diagonal lines across the whole thing).  I'll put the binding on, but leave the last part (hand stitching it down) for her to do so she can own a part of it.  Then I'll send it to her (likely for Mothers' Day) with the idea that she needs to take it as a donation someplace...she was thinking about starting up a donation center at my dad's hospital (Seton in Austin), so maybe this can be the first donation to that.  I'll post details for that group if/when she starts it. 

In any case...I have 22.5 hours until I'm on the plane to New Zealand.  I'm mostly packed, but need to find books to's a LOOOOOONNNGGGG flight down there from here, so I'm not sure one (even a thick one like Cryptonomicon) will suffice.  Any suggestions? 

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